Timezone: GMT +0 | 22-Oct-2024 16:22

TipsterConnection Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Statement

www.tipsterconnection.com values the privacy of every individual's personal information.

This Website Privacy Statement applies to this website which is operated by the Department of Justice under the domain name www.tipsterconnection.com ("website"). This Website Privacy Statement explains how your personal information (being information capable of identifying you as an individual) will be treated as you access and interact with this website. The practices outlined in this Website Privacy Statement are subject to any rights we may have to handle personal information in accordance with law.

Collection of your personal information

The personal information we collect via this website includes:
. The content of any electronic forms you submit via this website, requesting us to provide services or information, or take actions
. Information submitted if you participate in an online survey
. Any messages or comments you submit to us via this website or to email addresses displayed on this website, which may include personal information such as name, email address and telephone number.

Web Statistics Data Collection

Pages on the site may be coded with Nielsen//NetRatings software, Google Analytics software and ClickDensity software. This is transparent to the user, as the software makes use of an invisible image at the bottom of the web page. This software stores a cookie in your browser, which contains a unique identifier, and sends information to Nielsen//NetRatings. This enables Nielsen//NetRatings to track the number of unique visitors to the site. In no way does this unique identifier identify a user personally. We do not and will not marry any data collected by Nielsen//NetRatings with any personal information.

While you can browse this website anonymously, without disclosing your personal information, we may not be able to provide the full range of services through this website if we are not provided with the information outlined above.

Use and disclosure of your personal information

In addition to providing our services to you and carrying out your requests, we will not disclose your personal information to any third parties.

Feedback form, information request form and email

We may preserve the content of any feedback form, information request form, email or other electronic message that we receive. Any personal information contained in that message will only be used or disclosed in ways set out in this Website Privacy Statement. We will not use that information to add you to a mailing list without your consent.

Links to external websites

This Website Privacy Statement does not extend beyond this website. When following links to other sites from this website, we recommend that you read the privacy statement of that site to familiarise yourself with its privacy practices.

Clickstream data

This website's web server automatically records non-personal clickstream data. To the extent that any clickstream data could make you identifiable, we will not attempt to identify you from clickstream data unless required by law or to investigate suspected improper activity in relation to the website or to assist in law enforcement.

The following clickstream data are automatically recorded by this website's web server for statistical and system

Tipsterconnection statistic

Number of tips verified by TIpsterConnection


Profits made by tipsters in TipsterConnection


The records layout at Tipsterconnection.com is designed according to the most used and understandable standard that allows visitors to evaluate / compare services easily and fast.

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